Ultra trail Stara planina 2020. – informacija za registrovane trkače

Ultra trail Stara planina 2020. – informacija za registrovane trkače

Trka se ove godine otkazuje zbog (svima dobro poznatog razloga) pandemije COVID 19. Ne treba puno objašnjavati, svi smo svedoci da je sve stalo i, iako se najavljuje blago popuštanje uvedenih mera, duži period ipak neće biti dozvoljena okupljanja, kao i dolazak stranih državljana.
Ovih dana smo imali razgovore sa predstavnicima nadležnih ministarstava i svetske asocijacije (ISF) što je samo potvrdilo da je ovo najrazumnija odluka.
Aktivnosti na pripremi trke su bukvalno prekinute u sred realizacije: jedan deo produkcije je završen i čeka isporuku (kad se sredi stanje izazvano pandemijom), a drugi deo je potpuno zaustavljen. Posebno se odnosi na opremu iz inostranstva, koja je već avansirana, a o marketingu, PR-u, radu na terenu i svim propratnim stvarima, koje prate jednu veliku i ozbiljnu manifestaciju da i ne pričamo.
Znamo da se većina trka već prebacila na druge termine, mi smo odlučili da idemo direktno u 2021. godinu, kako bi zadržali svoj termin, kvalitet, a i da ne bi rizikovali sa mogućim novim merama.
Novi temin u kome će se održati trka je 4 – 6. jun 2021.
Svi koji su kompletirali prijave (to podrazumeva plaćene kotizacije) će dobiti mail sa detaljnim instrukcijama najkasnije do 01. maja. Postoje dve opcije:
1. Direktan prenos kotizacije na 2021. (na portalu trka.rs će se ažurirati nov datum, sve ostaje isto)
2. Povraćaj 50 % kotizacije i brisanje sa stare liste. Povraćaj će se vršiti u junu i julu.
Na ovaj mail treba da odgovoriti do 15. maja i izjasnite se koja vam opcija odgovara. Nakon toga podrazumevaćemo da vam se registracija prebacuje direktno u 2021., odnosno opcija 1.
Startni paketi ostaju isti kao za 2020., kao i dizajnerska rešenja, pošto je dobar deo materijala već izrađen. Cene kotizacija vraćamo na prvobitne (dakle, umanjuju se). Nema naknadnih extra startnih paketa, jer su oni zatvoreni sa dobavljačima po planu u februaru ove godine.
ITRA bodovi ostaju isti, distance i staze. Sve informacije možete naći i dalje na ultrakleka.com
Naš predlog je da razmotrite opciju prenosa kotizacije za 2021. (opcija 1) pošto je to najlakši, najracionalniji i najbezbolniji izbor za obe strane. Naravno, odluka je na Vama.
Hvala Vam na razumevanju i čuvajte se dok ne prođe pandemija. U skorije vreme će se promeniti i pravila godišnjeg bodovanja zbog novonastale situacije. Pratite naš sajt i društvene mreže.
Želimo Vam dobro zdravlje i lake noge, vidimo se na Prokletijama!


Stara Planina Ultra Trail 2020 – Information for registered runners

This year’s race is cancelled due to the well known reason of COVID-19 pandemic. There is no need for any special explanation – we are all witnesses that everything has stopped and, although a slight loosening of the introduced measures has been announced, for a longer period of time no gatherings will be allowed as well as the arrivals of foreign citizens.

We have had discussions these days with the representatives of the relevant Ministries and the International Skyrunning Federation which only confirmed that this was the most reasonable decision.

Race preparation activities have been literally stopped in the midst of the realization: one part of the production has been completed and is awaitng delivery (once the pandemic-induced state is resolved) while the other has been completely stopped. Specifically, it refers to the equipment from abroad which has been paid in advance not to mention marketing, PR, field work and all the accompanying activities that are part of every massive and significant event.

Although most races have already been rescheduled for the new dates, we have decided to shift straight to 2021 in order to keep our term and the quality of the race and to avoid any risk of possible new measures.

The new date of the race is June 4-6, 2021.

All those who have completed their registration (meaning they paid the participation fee) will receive an e-mail with detailed instructions no later than May, 1st. Two options will be provided:

  1. Direct transfer of the registration fee to 2021 (new date will be updated on trka. rs portal, all the rest remains the same)
  2. Refund of 50% of the fee and removal from the old list. Refunds will be made in the course of June and July.

Please, respond to the e-mail by May, 15 and state which option is right for you. After this date we will assume that you want your registration to be transfered directly to 2021, i.e. that you have chosen option 1.

Starting packages remain the same as for 2020, as do the design solutions since much of the material has already been made. Registration fees will be restored to the original amount (therefore they will be reduced). There will be no additional extra packages as these have been settled with the suppliers according to the plan in February this year.

ITRA points remain the same as do the distances and trails. All the information can still be found at ultrakleka.com.

Our suggestion is to consider the option of transferring the registration fee for 2021 (option 1) as this is the easiest, most rational and least demanding option for both parties. Of course, it’s up to you.

Thank you for your understanding. Stay safe during this pandemic. The rules for annual scoring for national league will change soon due to the new situation. Follow our website and social networks.

We wish you good health and light legs! See you at Prokletije!
